Disney's Moana has finally received Backlash over body image, but unlike the typical Princess movie, it's not the princess that's getting the hate, it's her co-star, Maui, voiced by Dwayne Johnson. While I myself had absolutely no problem with the design of the character, other people felt like throwing Bullshit in the air.
Labour MP Jenny Salesa took to Social Media to address her dislike for the design of the large Demigod.
Other's also "weighed" in on their unpleasant thoughts of this cartoon character.
Some Tweeples were also part of the body shaming, stating that they wanted Maui to look fit, something along the lines of Jason Momoa.
Now, before I tear these people apart for their stupidity, let me set one thing straight. Maui is not Fat. Ursula is Fat. The little boy from UP is fat. The Pig from Chicken Little is fat. But Maui? No. Saying Maui is fat is like saying Brock Lesnar is fat. He's not. He's just really bulky. Now let's start the dumb-shaming, shall we? Miss Jenny Saleza, how is Maui a negative stereotype? If he really is fat, is he stereotypically fat? In the trailer, we see him pulling Islands out of the sea, fighting see monsters and doing some sort of Dance, but do we hear him crack an "I want food" Joke? Does he magically turn an Island into a ham sandwich and devour it in one bite? No, because He's not a fat Stereotype. And why are you so anti-fat people? Did you think Disney would make all the characters in the movie fat? did your stupid, pea sized brain miss the dainty petite girl standing next to Maui in all the promotional art, who also happens to be the Main Character of the movie? If you haven't forgotten, the movie is called MOANA and not MAUI.
And to all the people nagging on the internet on how fat Maui is. I expected better of you. In a time where we're asking Disney for more Diversity, you idiots are body shaming the first Disney Princess companion that DOESN'T look like a male model. Shouldn't this be celebrated? It just comes to show how Stupid some people are. I mean, this movie dwells deep into the rich culture of the south pacific islands AND features yet another strong, independent Disney Princess, following hot of the heels of Frozen, and all you can talk about is how fat Maui is? Tsk, Tsk, Tsk. Shame. On. You.
But on the plus side, the stupid people are only a fraction of the people talking about Moana. Most fans are just as eager to see this movie as I am. And to be fair, every Disney movie gets backlash, mostly the racially Diverse ones. It doesn't matter if Tiana is a resourceful, hard working woman who happens to be a talented cook, there will be some people calling her a "Racist Stereotype" And when we finally get our first Gay Princess or prince movie, you can bet your ass that there will be backlash, both from the Conservative Christians and the LGBT community.
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