Friday, December 9, 2016

Mind-Blowing Disney theories

I just saw Moana, and like everyone else, I fell in love with it. Disney is super cryptic with their movies, and we all know that. Making up Disney theories is a popular form of art on YouTube and forums, so here's my attempt at conjuring up a theory that will make you rethink your favorite Disney movies. Some of these are original theories, but who knows. Maybe

Zootopia takes place after human extinction

So, Zootopia is a world inhabited only by mammal animals, excluding humans. So, it's supposedly an alternate universe where humans never existed, but what if it didn't? What if Zootopia is a world that takes place after some sort of mysterious mass extinction that lead to the extinction of humans? My theory is that humans were wiped out from the face of the earth from unknown circumstances, the zoo animals and pets left behind found a way to escape their cages and started frolicking around city that their humans once occupied.

But instead of just staying wild, the animals actually started learning how to use human inventions, and it might seem impossible, but there are YouTube videos of cats, dogs and even lions learning how to open doors. What if they remembered what they learned from humans, and over the course of thousands and thousands of years, they learned more and more human traits until they finally reached the level of intelligence equal to or higher than Humans. This Idea was spawned after a 1930s animated short called Peace on Earth, and it's about animals becoming sentient and making a new peaceful society on the rubbles of humanity years after they went extinct. 

The Snow Queen has been watching Elsa this whole time!

Frozen 2: Eternity by Allycortes101

You know that conspiracy theory that Elsa is actually adopted, and not blood related to Anna and their dead parents? Well, this is THAT conspiracy on overdrive. So if Elsa isn't related to Anna, then who is she related to? Well, I have reasons to believe that Elsa is the offspring of ANOTHER Snow Queen! The H.C.S fairy tale Frozen was based on features an evil Snow Queen who kidnaps children and has control over Ice and Snow. Think the White Witch from The Chronicles of Narnia.  Most fans were pissed because Frozen barely resembled the original fairy tale, aside from having a Snow Queen and Trolls. But what if Frozen isn't an adaptation of The Snow Queen, but a sequel?

So, in the original H.C.S fairy tale, the central characters are best friends Kai & Gerda. Also in the story is the Snow Queen herself, along with some trolls, a prince and princess, a garden witch, some thieves, and a flying reindeer. In Frozen, two of the servants in the palace are called Kai and Gerda. If you remember, Kai is the servant who announces Elsa at the party. And in the end of Frozen, you see them Ice skating.

My theory is that after the end of the Snow Queen, when Gerda rescues Kai from the Snow Queen, they return to Kai's grandmother and eventually get married in adulthood. soon, they decide to live as servants with the prince and princess Gerda met in the original fairy tale, who are now king and queen of their kingdom(Arendelle) everything seems fine, but unfortunately for them, turns out the Snow Queen has been watching them this whole time, still plotting her revenge on Kai and Gerda. But her agenda quickly changes when she finds out the Queen of Erandelle is pregnant. She uses this as an opportunity to pass her magic down to an heir. One thing to note is that when Hans was about to kill Elsa, and then Anna jumps in the way before she completely turns into ice, the sword breaks. Now, last time I remember, Ice isn't vulnerable to swords, so how did Anna manage to protect Elsa from Hans? She doesn't! The Snow Queen breaks Hans' sword with her magic. The entire story of Frozen was essentially meticulously planned by the Snow Queen herself. She gave Elsa Ice powers to see if she could learn how to control and use it. If she learned how to, then she found her new successor, and let's leave the rest for the Sequel.

The Lion King & Robin Hood  are prequels to Zootopia

Image result for lion king zootopia same universe

So Disney theories are just that. Theories. which means that there can be multiple answers until one is proven true. So Theory A for Zootopia is the one listed above, in which Humans go extinct and animals take over where they left off Ala Peace on Earth. But Theory B connects to two other popular Disney Movies. The Lion King and Robin Hood. Remember how Judy explains that thousands of years ago, Animals were savage, an just ate each other willy nilly?  Well, let's say a thousand or two years pass by, and these animals start gaining their civility. They still walk on all fours and don't wear clothes, but they learned how to communicate and form governments. This is where The Lion King steps in. In the Pridelands, the animals are still animals. They either hunt or get hunted, but they learned how to communicate with each other and form a monarchy, in which Simba, formerly Mufasa and Scar, is the king. It's set in Africa, which is very similar to how humans evolved, since ALL of us began in Africa. The predators and prey animals can communicate with each other, and even form friendships, like Timon and Pumba did with Simba. So it got kind of weird and sort of Macabre that they'd even consider eating the prey animals, so they stopped eating the prey animals, and opted for non evolved things like fish or bugs, like what Simba ate for most of his life. Then a few thousand years pass by again, and this time, the animals are much more evolved, walking on only two of their legs, and have even started wearing clothes and inventing. they migrated out of Africa and started colonizing the entire globe. By this point, their society would look somewhat similar to our own medieval period. This is where Robin Hood takes place. Robin Hood is probably an ancestor of Nick Wilde, since they both look similar, and wear green, and the king is, once again, a lion. From then on, their timeline is very similar to our own. Fast forward to the present day, and now we have Zootopia.

Some things still don't add up though, like what happened to the birds and reptiles in Zootopia. They were in Lion King and Robin Hood, but not in Zootopia? 

Madame Mim was in Princess and the Frog

Image result for princess and the frog madam mim

After Navine and Tiana are turned into frogs and meet Louis the trumpet alligator in the bayou, he tells them of a powerful woman who lives there called Mama Odie, and agrees to take them to her. It isn't until they meet Ray the Cajun firefly that they learn they are actually going the wrong way. Why is that so? Was Louis just genuinely lost,or was he actually taking them to the wrong magical woman. That's right, instead of Mama Odie, Louis was actually thinking of Madame Mim, the elderly witch from The Sword and the Stone. If you recall, her and her enemy Merlin had about the same powers, one of them being the ability to time travel. So after Madame Mim lost her fight with Merlin, she travels to 1920s Louisiana and goes to live deep in the Bayou out of shame. Louis sees her doing magic, and assumes she is the fabled Mama Odie everyone in the swamps has been talking about. 

Snow White and the Mandela Effect

Image result for snow white mandela effect

This one isn't actually a theory about Snow White, it's a theory on it's own in which Snow White is a clue. The Mandela effect is the theory that states that somewhere in the 1980s, our world entered a wormhole, and we ended up in a parallel universe that was almost identical to ours, but not exactly. Little things were changed, but some people still remember it from how it was in the old universe. Like the Berentein Bears is actually called the Berenstain bears, Looney Toons was actually called Looney Tunes, and most famously, one Evil Queen's catchphrase was actually something else. I was born in 1997, so anything that happened before this supposed Mandela effect, I remember as what I knew it to be. Growing up, I watched Snow White, and always remembered that the Queen said "Magic Mirror on the Wall, Who is the fairest one of all." But surprisingly, a lot of older people don't remember it that way. They say that before the Mandela effect, the Queen would say "Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, who is fairest of them all." Which is what every snow white movies use now.

The Disney Princesses are about reincarnation

Image result for disney princesses evolution

Think about it. Most Disney Princesses have the same storyline, but when you come to think of it, most of them are from different time periods. Cinderella is obviously 1800s, Snow White takes place in the Renaissance,  Sleeping Beauty takes place in the dark ages, can it be the Disney Princes and Princesses are actually reincarnations of the same man and woman who have been soulmates for all time, and will continue to be as long as Disney keeps making Princess movies? I know it's kind of dumb when you think of it, but give it a chance. 

Big Hero 6 takes place in an alternate World War II universe

Image result for big hero 6 world war 2

Big Hero 6 is Disney's very first Superhero movie(Incredibles is Pixar, so suck it) and it's very first movie based on a Marvel comic. It follows the lives of young "Nerds" who decide to become superheroes, and is set in the fictional "San Fransokyo" but is it really fictional? Or is it something much darker? My theory is that Big Hero 6 takes place in an alternate universe in which Japan and , unfortunately, the Nazis won World War II. After they won the war, Japan decided to colonize San Francisco and formed San Fransokyo. "But Al." you say.  "If Hitler did win the war and took over the world, wouldn't things be a LOT more crappier,with Hitler being the most horrible thing to ever happen, right next to Satan and Osama Bin Laden." True. But what if this was a "Man in the High Castle" type of thing where they were in charge for a while, and it totally sucked, but then people started uprising, and eventually restored the world to order, because in Disney universes, good ALWAYS triumphs over evil. Eventually, everyone makes up, and they rebuild America together, and decide not to be assholes anymore.

The Disney Universe connection.

Image result for disney characters

Remember the Pixar theory? Where it says that every Pixar movie takes place in the same universe? Well this is the Disney theory, the theory that states that every Disney Movie is interconnected with one another. You know what, I'll make a post for that one itself some other time, since it's so damn big.

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Teen Wolf Poster

Teen Wolf is one of my favorite teen movies,partly because it's a Michael J. Fox movie(God bless Michael J. Fox) and partly because there's barely any teen movies made for boys, and when one does come around, it's usually crass and disgusting (American Pie, Porky's, etc.) but Teen Wolf, along with Ferris Beuller and others, are the exception. This poster basically re imagines what Teen Wolf would look like if  it came out in 2016. Scott doesn't really look any different, except now he has Bieber Hair, because 2016. Stiles would get a major redux, because a raging party boy then definitely doesn't look anything like a raging party boy now.

I watched some episodes of the TV show, and it's very reminiscent of Buffy, because it's a sexy teen action fantasy drama that was adapted from a classic teen movie. For the most part it's good, but the one thing I still can't stand is what they did to Stiles. In the show, he's Scott's dorky sidekick, but it's supposed to be the other way around. In the original, he's definitely the leader of the group. He danced on top of moving cars and could walk into a party and make it his. Basically, everything I wanted to be in High School. Why change that? I mean, sure, he slurred the "F" word once or twice and probably had a drug habit, but that Stiles was definitely no one's sidekick.

Monday, July 25, 2016

Harley Quinn (The Batman)

In honor of Suicide Squad, Harley Quinn from The Batman cartoon series. (My favorite version)

Monday, June 27, 2016


someone from high School I had a big crush on. I'll probably never see him again, and it really makes me sad.

Stupid people body-shame a character in Disney's Moana (But it's not what you think)

Disney's Moana has finally received Backlash over body image, but unlike the typical Princess movie, it's not the princess that's getting the hate, it's her co-star, Maui, voiced by Dwayne Johnson. While I myself had absolutely no problem with the design of the character, other people felt like throwing Bullshit in the air.

Labour MP Jenny Salesa took to Social Media to address her dislike for the design of the large Demigod.

Other's also "weighed" in on their unpleasant thoughts of this cartoon character.

Some Tweeples were also part of the body shaming, stating that they wanted Maui to look fit, something along the lines of Jason Momoa. 

Now, before I tear these people apart for their stupidity, let me set one thing straight. Maui is not Fat. Ursula is Fat. The little boy from UP is fat. The Pig from Chicken Little is fat. But Maui? No. Saying Maui is fat is like saying Brock Lesnar is fat. He's not. He's just really bulky. Now let's start the dumb-shaming, shall we? Miss Jenny Saleza, how is Maui a negative stereotype? If he really is fat, is he stereotypically fat? In the trailer, we see him pulling Islands out of the sea, fighting see monsters and doing some sort of Dance, but do we hear him crack an "I want food" Joke? Does he magically turn an Island into a ham sandwich and devour it in one bite? No, because He's not a fat Stereotype. And why are you so anti-fat people? Did you think Disney would make all the characters in the movie fat? did your stupid, pea sized brain miss the dainty petite girl standing next to Maui in all the promotional art, who also happens to be the Main Character of the movie? If you haven't forgotten, the movie is called MOANA and not MAUI. 

And to all the people nagging on the internet on how fat Maui is. I expected better of you. In a time where we're asking Disney for more Diversity, you idiots are body shaming the first Disney Princess companion that DOESN'T look like a male model. Shouldn't this be celebrated? It just comes to show how Stupid some people are. I mean, this movie dwells deep into the rich culture of the south pacific islands AND features yet another strong, independent Disney Princess, following hot of the heels of Frozen, and all you can talk about is how fat Maui is? Tsk, Tsk, Tsk. Shame. On. You. 

But on the plus side, the stupid people are only a fraction of the people talking about Moana. Most fans are just as eager to see this movie as I am. And to be fair, every Disney movie gets backlash, mostly the racially Diverse ones. It doesn't matter if Tiana is a resourceful, hard working woman who happens to be a talented cook, there will be some people calling her a "Racist Stereotype" And when we finally get our first Gay Princess or prince movie, you can bet your ass that there will be backlash, both from the Conservative Christians and the LGBT community.

Monday, June 20, 2016

The 7 Disney film eras

the Disney universe is a very beloved place, and just like our world, it goes through different ages. So far, Disney has gone through seven ages. The Golden age, the wartime age, the silver age, the dark age, the Renaissance age, the depression age, and the millennial age. We're gonna go through all of them.

1. The golden age

This is OG Disney right here. The house that Walt built before it grew into a castle that grew into a kingdom that grew into an empire. Started out with Snow White, which, sadly, is the most realistic looking a Disney Princess can get. Then it was followed by Pinocchio, which is getting a remake. Dumbo, which is getting a remake. Fantasia, which is getting a remake. And Bambi, which is NOT getting a remake. It was a good beginning to an amazing legacy.

2. Wartime age

When World War II happened, propaganda cartoons started flying here, there and everywhere. Disney got in on this too with that Donald Duck Nazi bit. Another thing was that most animators were fighting in the war during this time, So Disney had to make some set backs. Because of the lack of animators, Disney had to do simpler, more compilation like movies.

3. the Silver Age

This is the era that REALLY feels like Disney. Yeah, the golden age had Snow White, but the silver age had Freakin' Cinderella! She's the HBIC when it comes to Disney princesses. This era also had Peter Pan, who's like the boy you had a crush on in middle school, and Alice in Wonderland, which would ultimately go on to create Hot Topic in the distant future. This era also had Lady and the Tramp, a movie I've yet to see. 101 Dalmatians, which got a remake, also belonged to this era. And so does The Jungle Book, which also got a remake.

4. The Dark Age 

Ay-ai-ai! This was Disney's first of two low points. After Walt died from Lung Cancer(Don't smoke, kids) Disney animation became one big cluster of a mess. One or two good things came from this era, like Winnie the Pooh or The Great Mouse Detective, and Robin Hood is pretty sexy for an anthropomorphic fox. But other than that, everything from this era was just unimaginative, mediocre, way too dark, and was just Un-Disney-like as a whole. This is why Disney shouldn't go super dark, because then we get movies like The Black Cauldron.

5. The Disney Renaissance 

Everyone knows that you have to go through the storm before the calm, and Disney did just that with the Renaissance era. They managed to pick themselves up from the slumps of the dark ages and begin all over again.Oliver & Company is the movie that bridges the Dark ages and the Renaissance, but what really began Disney's bright new age was The Little Mermaid. They went back to their roots with doing animated Fairy Tale movies, but the only difference is that they made them more Broadway-esque, so that the musical numbers would be more spectacular and memorable. Also hailing from this era is Beauty and the Beast, The Lion King, Aladdin, Mulan and many others. One in a while, this era would hit a bump on the road (Pocahontas, Hunchback of Notre Dame) but other than that, it was a good era for Disney.

6. Depression age 

The early 2000s was a good time for Disney. The Depression age wasn't nearly as bad as the dark age was, but this was the time where Disney started losing it's magic touch once again. Disney has had some big rivals in the past, but none of them were as big as Pixar. Disney was still making good money for the most part, but Pixar was breaking box office records. Lilo and Stitch and Brother Bear weren't nearly as big as The Incredibles and Finding Nemo. What was ironic is that Pixar was also a Disney owned company, so Disney was technically losing to itself. Disney eventually dabbled in CG movies, with Bolt and Meet the Robinsons, but even those were getting their asses handed to them by Up and Ratatouille.

7. Millennial Disney

Most of you call it the revival era, but I like to call it Millennial Disney, because it's the most progressive, most comedic, and has the most modern feel compared to the other eras. It's also the most well put together. Most people like to consider Bolt to be part of the Millennial Disney, but it's not. It's just the gap between this era and the last. What really started this era off was The Princess and the Frog. see, it's already very progressive because not only is this the first ever African-American Disney Princess, but she's also a hard worker and doesn't really fit into the mold of traditional princesses, who only dream of getting married. Then we get Tangled, Winnie the Pooh...again, Wreck it Ralph, and the cornerstone of all Disney, Frozen, which is by far the most feminist Disney Princess movie. It's also like, the biggest Disney movie in like, all of history. Then we got Big Hero 6, Disney's first Marvel-based animated Superhero movie and Zootopia, which deals with social issues in an animal-filled world. So far there isn't one "bad" movie in the Millennial era. They've all made decent money and were all critically acclaimed (Frozen currently holds the record for highest grossing animated film). Millennial Disney is where we currently are in the Disneyverse, so they're still adding movies to their list. This year, we're getting Moana, Disney's first Polynesian princess. Then after that, there's Gigantic, Frozen 2, Teen Space Race, and Wreck It Ralph 2. 

Monday, May 30, 2016

Frozen 2: Ideas for a good sequel.

I'm currently working on a Mock up Frozen 2 poster, We're still a long way from Frozen 2, but I always like to pitch Ideas. There's a lot of expectation being pressed on this movie, as it has big shoes to fill. The first Frozen was like, the biggest Disney fairy tale event since Beauty And The Beast. So this Sequel needs to be good. It can't be just one of those bleh Straight to DVD Disney sequels that came out in the early 2000s, it needs to be Rescuers Down Under good. It needs to be bigger and better than the first one, and luckily for Disney, I have some ideas.

1. Bring back the Lopez's

The songwriting couple that gave Frozen it's annoyingly catchy songs definitely needs to return and create more annoyingly catchy songs. The chances of them actually creating a new song that will knock "Let It Go" off it's Ice throne is one out of a million, but who knows? Maybe they will. "Love can't be denied", a song written by Alan Menken back when Frozen was still The Snow Queen, should also be somehow reworked into the film.

2. Use the Fairy Tale as inspiration

The Snow Queen by Elena Ringo.jpg

Frozen is different from other Disney fairy tales, because it's only loosely based on it's source material, and that's both a good and a bad thing. The original Hans Christian Anderson fairy tale is such an amazing story. It's a story of friendship, and what one girl would to to save her best friend. Granted, Disney did use some aspects of the fairy tale, like "love will thaw a  frozen heart" and a girls going on a quest to find and rescue someone she loves, but that's about it. For the sequel, they should take some cues from the books. Hopefully the introduction of the evil mirror, and Snow Bees, who serve the Snow Queen in the H.C.A story,  should make awesome additions to the story.

3. Jack Frost


I'm surprised Jack Frost doesn't get any mention in Frozen, as he is a character with Ice powers, and has origins that root back to Norwegian mythology. You know who else has Ice powers and lives in Norway? Elsa! It would be pretty cool to see how Frozen 2 will play with Norwegian myths and folklore. Who knows, maybe Elsa's family tree might be bigger than we think. 

4. Elsa's dream...GIRL?

#GiveElsaaGirlfriend has been all over the internet lately. While I like Elsa being a single lady (Someone needs to represent us single people) I'm open to seeing Elsa end up in a relationship. But the Idea of Elsa actually being a kind of genius. I mean, Elsa has already come out of the metaphorical closet once when it came to her powers, she could probably do it again with her sexual preference.

5. An evil Snow Queen?

long ago, I heard that Disney was making a "Snow Queen" movie, and then saw this drawing immediately afterwards. It's only a sketch, but her face is so beautiful yet scary, and along with those big, dramatic furs she's wearing, I thought, "Wow, she is gonna be the best Disney Villain ever!" But in the end, they didn't go with her, they went with Elsa, who instead became the best Disney Princess ever. And while I love Elsa, I'm kind of sad they scrapped this beautiful, intimidating and mysterious Snow Queen character. This is such an amazing piece of art, and I really don't want it to go to waste. Maybe they can use this drawing in the sequel as an evil Snow Queen who Elsa has to fight in the third act.

6. Hans either goes nice, or gets offed.

Hans was such a nice guy in the fist two acts of Frozen. I mean, obviously, She was gonna end up with Kristoff, but I thought it was gonna be one of those "May the best man win" type of things where Kristoff and Hans has a friendly rivalry when it comes to Anna's love. But he ended up to be a jerk, they type of guy who Taylor Swift writes about. But like Anna refused to believe that Elsa was a monster, I refuse to believe that Hans is a handsome Jeffrey Dahmer. He probably had a split personality, or his mind snapped after finding someone who was nice to him, as he obviously grew up in a family that didn't care about him. Then maybe, just maybe, he might get a chance at redemption. If not, I suggest that that Snow Queen character I so very badly want in the sequel ends up killing him via Sharp, pointy icicles and Snow bees with long, cold stingers. 

My personal Plot to Frozen 2

     So, the movie begins months after the events of Frozen. Elsa is happily accepted by her subjects, and her and Anna have never been more close. But once in a while, she sneezes, or accidentally pulls a leg muscle, and it causes her power to glitch for a moment, accidentally creating snow and ice related mishap. Her subjects aren't upset by this, but Elsa can't help but feel guilty to be such an inconvenience to her people sometimes. This is the part where Anna sings Elsa a picker-upper song that cheers her up. But out of the blue, a large horde of Snow bees swarm around Elsa and carry her away. Anna, Olaf and Kristoff consult the ancient books and scrolls, and find out Elsa has been kidnapped by the Snow Queen, who may or may not be Elsa's birth mother. So Anna, Olaf, Kristoff and Sven go on a journey to find Elsa. Meanwhile, in the kingdom of Ice, Elsa meets many characters, including Jack Frost, who was once the ice god of Norway during the Bronze age, and then she meets the Snow Queen, who tells Elsa that she is her daughter, and that she will be the next ruler of the Ice kingdom. At first, Elsa is skeptical  of this, but because they look so much alike, and they both have ice powers, she starts having second doubts about who she really is. I won't give the rest of the story away, because if Disney is going this route, I don't want to spoil it for anyone. 

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Snow White & Rose Red: Starring Cara Delevingne

So, Disney is making a slew of Live action movies based on their Classic Fairy Tales. One of them happens to be Snow White & Rose Red, a sort of Companion film to the O.G Snow White. the same story plays out, but only from Snow White's long lost twin sister Rose Red's point of view. They haven't cast any actors for the movie yet, but one actress I think would be good for the dual roles of Snow White and Rose Red is Cara Delevingne. She was in Paper Towns, and I also think she has the right look for it. I mean, her face already looks like something out of an old gothic fairy tale portrait. 

Beauty and the Beast: Starring Emma Watson

So by now, everyone knows that Emma Watson is gonna be in the new live action Beauty and the beast. The trailer already came out. Check it out over here.

I think this is casting choice perfection. I mean, Emma Watson already has the physical features of Belle, and add to the fact that she's a feminist and an activist, she really is a live action Belle. 

Friday, May 20, 2016

Cruella De Vil Starring Emma Stone

Disney's making a Cruella De Vil movie starring Emma Stone. I probably would've picked someone else to play Cruella, but I think Emma is a pretty funny actress. I hope they make it a comedy movie, rather than a dark, gritty reboot, because this is Cruella De Vil we're talking about.

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Harley Quinn: Male Edition

This was based on a pair of Underwear I own. I was shopping at American Eagle, when I bought boxer briefs that look like this. 

At first, I didn't think anything of it, but then I realized they reminded me of Harley Quinn. Probably the colors. And then I thought that a male version of Harley Quinn would definitely be wearing this. SO then I sketched up a drawing of what a male Harley would look like. It's inspired by the new Harley from the Suicide Squad movie.  The shirt was gonna say Mama's Lil' Devil, but I ran out of space, so i shortened it.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Pretty Little Liars book cover Fan Art


I Like the Pretty Little Liars TV show on the ABC Family, but I love the Pretty Little Liars book series by Sara Shepard. It's just more relatable and less cheesier than the show, which is still good, though. These are my take on the covers of the first four books of the series.