Teen Wolf is one of my favorite teen movies,partly because it's a Michael J. Fox movie(God bless Michael J. Fox) and partly because there's barely any teen movies made for boys, and when one does come around, it's usually crass and disgusting (American Pie, Porky's, etc.) but Teen Wolf, along with Ferris Beuller and others, are the exception. This poster basically re imagines what Teen Wolf would look like if it came out in 2016. Scott doesn't really look any different, except now he has Bieber Hair, because 2016. Stiles would get a major redux, because a raging party boy then definitely doesn't look anything like a raging party boy now.
I watched some episodes of the TV show, and it's very reminiscent of Buffy, because it's a sexy teen action fantasy drama that was adapted from a classic teen movie. For the most part it's good, but the one thing I still can't stand is what they did to Stiles. In the show, he's Scott's dorky sidekick, but it's supposed to be the other way around. In the original, he's definitely the leader of the group. He danced on top of moving cars and could walk into a party and make it his. Basically, everything I wanted to be in High School. Why change that? I mean, sure, he slurred the "F" word once or twice and probably had a drug habit, but that Stiles was definitely no one's sidekick.
I watched some episodes of the TV show, and it's very reminiscent of Buffy, because it's a sexy teen action fantasy drama that was adapted from a classic teen movie. For the most part it's good, but the one thing I still can't stand is what they did to Stiles. In the show, he's Scott's dorky sidekick, but it's supposed to be the other way around. In the original, he's definitely the leader of the group. He danced on top of moving cars and could walk into a party and make it his. Basically, everything I wanted to be in High School. Why change that? I mean, sure, he slurred the "F" word once or twice and probably had a drug habit, but that Stiles was definitely no one's sidekick.